Three Poems

the mirror is a scale
you really do like me
seed teeth
doing a load of laundry
constellation map
on your phone
shadow stripes
shadows fall to one side
with the light off
why do they look at me that way
i can imagine
it’s not a secret
without affection
groan in anticipation
eternal back and forth
staring at a screen
everything is a square unless it’s soft
indicated the need to be alone
because i’m shaking
the pendulum isn’t
moving maybe
i’m making more
decisions for myself
instead of grieving
doing everything
for me this all
feels like one long afternoon
in the sun only the sun is
a mouth that won’t
stop talking
language is a chance for math to make us more than math
make me
mean more
look at me lol
there’s nothing there
when you think of me
you imagine what distance means
i’m so tired of you
not being here
i’m sensitive
i need a drink but i’m not drinking
trying to
listen to my concerns
i want to know
you’re listening
hearing you
talk about
who you are
to me
catch business is the author of quick fix (2fast2house, 2018) and poetry editor of witch craft magazine.