Zach had a fucked up beard.
that was one reason.
the ch was another.
another one
was everything
vibrating and pink
and my tongue was a frozen cactus
the last one
was when he gave his 2 year old
a tiny cap
and a stem
he likes it he said
but I couldn’t say anything
so I staggered through the sliding
door across the dead backyard
across the creek through the chain link
fence through the graveyard
through the family dollar (ha)
parking lot to the park bench
the neon green ziggurats
stacking to infinity in the menacing salmon
it never ends. ha ha ha.
and the nervous hairs on the thistle said:
it’s a fucked up world.
the gold snake dog !AH HA!
laughed at me.
ha ha.
the paper coffee
cup with wawa on it
tripping (ha)
over the breeze
said: well, buddy, whaddya gonna do?
Mike Andrelczyk lives with his wife in Strasburg, PA. His work has appeared or is forthcoming in Occulum, Faded Out, Five:2:One, LNDLCKD and elsewhere. His chapbook “The Iguana Green City & other poems” is coming out with Ghost City Press in the fall/winter. He tweets at @MikeAndrelczyk.