Two Poems
BY Clair DunlapIssue #3, PoetryDaydream/Interlude #2
sometimes i just want to wake up and have a mountain slap me in the face and say HERE YOU GO, BITCH, HERE’S YOUR GODDAMN HOME and i think then i’ll be happy. all i’ve ever been looking for is someplace where out…

Four Poems
BY Francesca KritikosIssue #3, PoetryI'm waiting outside, wanting
to get invited back
into your apartment
again & again
like a bad witch, a wounded
When you examine me
I want to ask
if you like what you are finding
knowing it is better
not to ask

Five Poems
BY June GehringerIssue #3, PoetryLeviathan.
The band is always too loud. You can’t remember shit.
You write nothing for months and pretend to be a poet.
You attempt to remember something you don’t have a name for. Youth or love or life. Joy,…

Two Poems
BY Erick SáenzIssue #3, Poetryode to ocean or what's in it
healthy boundaries exist before
father, ashes swept border
less wall there extends
planks set other free
lost in texas once
found hours later, useless
cousin recalls when that
trip down baja felt

Two Poems
BY Raina K. PuelsIssue #3, PoetryBUZZWINKLE
(Based on a true story)
Buzzwinkle was a city moose. If Anchorage roads
were empty, he walked down the double lines;
if there was traffic, he waited & strode
through crosswalks at appropriate times.
He earned his name…

Three Poems
BY Michael Seymour BlakeIssue #3, PoetrySTAY PUT
I want to rock with you
for ten minutes
then I want to spend
a half hour
deciding if I should take a cab
or the subway
back home
because my stomach hurts
and my skin is starting to break out
and I’m sweating bad
(fuck my…