
BY Aaron Burch (feat. Blake Kimzey),
This is when it happened – having just gotten a drink, in the middle of the school day, middle of the church service, mid-commute. In the middle of nothing. A gaze held too long, staring, leering, vulgar comments given like offerings, leading…

community property

BY Elle Nash,
should i keep using my face to promote my writing or should i delete my face do you think if i deleted my face people would be more or less inclined to find my work worthy of reading. do you think if i deleted my body it would be any better. do…

Professional Mermaid

BY Claire Hopple,
Gutzon Borglum was the sculptor of Mount Rushmore. Gutzon Borglum’s name sounds like a double-sneeze. Some people sneeze twice every time. It’s possible that Borglum, while chiseling away inside the vast nasal passages of Thomas Jefferson,…

The Squirrels

BY Janice Lee,
The squirrels remember in decades. That is, while they breathe circles into the winter air, one will slip down the muddy walkway and have his spine pressed upright by a memory of running forward, dry cough and chilly wind like needles, showing…