WOHE was born in the body. Specifically the colon. We are the large intestine of literary journals.

Jessie Knoles
Poetry Editor

jessie knoles is from a farm town in central illinois. her poems have been published on cosmonauts avenue, the boiler journal, peach magazine, and third point press, among others. her chapbook, CHASING OLD HAUNTS, is forthcoming from pitymilk press. she is happiest in libraries, museums, forests, and airports. she likes drinking beer and her standard poodle, tony. she lives in bellingham, washington.

Kevin Maloney
Fiction Editor

Kevin Maloney is the author of Cult of Loretta (Lazy Fascist Press, 2015). His stories have appeared in Hobart, BarrelhouseVol. 1 Brooklyn, and a number of other journals and anthologies. He lives in Portland, Oregon.